Home made pizza: how to get a good result

I searched for some time a satisfactory recipe for homemade pizza, a formula which would make it palatable and approached that of pizzerias with wood-fired oven. It must be stated, however, that I was aware of the impossibility of reproducing the same result but I still wanted to experiment with this fascinating aspect of leavening so I could enjoy at home also therapeutic thrill to get their hands dirty. If there is a big advantage in fact, the homemade pizza, it is the possibility of art of processing the dough, see it grow and have fun with friends and companions to invent the taste. Two things: We must first devise a recipe according to the possibilities of your home oven. Pizzerias temperatures reach about 400 degrees Celsius, while our ovens come around 250 (though it is possible to trust the home furnace thermostat), then cooking will be different, definitely slower, as the result will be different. Second, you must be able to withstand the expectation of a just rising. By "right" I mean: at least 24 for the slow or 6-8 hours for the classic daily rising. Having said this, I refer to the post on rising if you want to know more about it way to a recipe that to date has given me the standard results.
Some clarifications:
1. It 'easy to find recipes that call for up to 24 grams per 500 flour. This is to try to get a "quick" leavening, but in reality is just a "start rising." The rest takes place in your stomach. Each leavening must take its proper course. Try to always favor the minimum dose of yeast and to understand the proportions also based on the strength of the flour you use. 2. The leavening that occurs outside of the refrigerator needs some conditions to be optimal. We first need to try to get around 30 degrees Celsius, for this often tips the oven off with the only light on. In the heat of the proliferate yeasts doing inflate everything. While waiting to, however, you have to try not to "disturb" the dough, because maneggiondolo, moving it too much or exposing it to changes in temperature, could deflate, making it near your work space. 3. Because of the difference mentioned above between the oven at home and those of pizzerias, will need to roll out the dough more often than what you usually see in order to obtain crispness and avoid you burn it. This, of course, also increases the cooking times of up to 15-20 minutes. Obviously with the experience more able to make us the eye. 4. Usually a normal pizza has 125 grams of dough, but considering the step 3, you'll need a larger quantity to make a. this too is at your dicrezione. Refer to the post on yeast and flour for insights about
Ingredients for three medium pizzas.
For the dough: 320 ml of warm water or environment 500 grams of flour 0 'or 00' 4 grams of fresh brewer's yeast (but not enough) A teaspoon of salt oil to taste Method: Pour water into a large bowl and scioglieteci the yeast well. Pour in the flour and begin stirring with a whisk or hands. Add salt and continue adding flour until dough is slightly damp, soft and not too sticky. The flour that will advance you can use it to knead the dough after rising.
You can do all this process directly in the bowl if you do not want to mess too. once you obtained our "ball" in the adagiamo with very little oil container above and below, and cover with a cloth or a lid.
Now you have two options, depending on the necessities: you can leave the container in the refrigerator for 24 hours, waiting for the slow rising which makes it highly digestible or more rapid (so to speak) of about 4-6 hours, putting the container in the oven. You can control the rising avoid touching the dough. As a guide, if it is tripled, it is ready for the next step. In both cases, you'll have to pull out of the container an hour before cooking the dough and knead gently. Then divide it into two, three or four equal balls, depending on the size of the pizzas you want (you can also make a large baking dish with different tastes).
Then, put the dough on a baking tray with a sheet of parchment paper dusted with flour. Cover with a tea towel and store it in the oven, if possible with the light on for reaching thirty degrees around and help so it leavening. Wait an hour, after which you can finally lay your pizza. Lvoratela with his hands and then with a rolling pin, the most important thing is to leave it slightly thicker than that which would eat in a classic pizzeria. roll out the dough on a baking sheet, taking care to leave the edges slightly more to get a thick and crispy crust swells. Dressed now as you prefer (see the section on the bottom condiments), add a little olive oil and bake in a convection oven preheated to 250 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. When you see a beautiful golden crust, your pizza will be ready.
Condiments -Tomato The main ingredient of the pizza is the tomato sauce. You can use raw, aggiundendo little salt and basil or oregano. The important thing is to veil the dough with tomato not overdo the amount otherwise the dough will not be able to cook evenly and parties can break during cooking. -Mozzarella cheese Inevitable on almost every type of pizza. An important trick: drain the excess milk as much as possible to obtain a smooth fusion and do not wet the dough. will be enough to crush lightly with your hands before cutting. You can cut it into thin slices between 0.5 and 1 cm or chop it with a knife to distribute it more evenly; It depends on the image that you want to obtain or personal taste. The buffalo mozzarella have more liquid and therefore will need to be drained with greater care. Mozzarella so-called "pizza" did not take into account because they do not know the true composition and I think it's always better to prefer fresh ingredients.